What Does Empathy Look Like Today?


Let’s face it: the world is changing faster than we can say the word “stop.” These days, it feels like every day is the same, but simultaneously, the world looks vastly different than it did just a mere month ago. Questions swirl our minds every hour of the day, and if we are not already stir crazy from being inside, we are surely getting there. Saying this is a weird time is an understatement. This is something that is changing the course of history as we know it whether we like it or not. Divisive Media and fear are at the forefront of the conversation, but how can we look at one another in the eyes and share an authentic human connection?

We need to listen. We need to share. We need empathy more than ever.

Being cooped up in our homes, watching communities being picked apart slowly, it feels like all of the dystopian fiction read in our youth is starting to become a reality. Feeling apart, alone, and frustrated all are normal responses to this unfamiliar experience, and you may take comfort in knowing you are not completely alone — we are all feeling this together. In these moments of isolation and uncertainty, it’s okay to not be put together, it’s okay to cry, it’s okay to eat cheat food while watching trashy T.V., whatever you’re feeling is okay.

When you are ready, share your experience with others, even if the first step is writing it down for yourself. Words have power, sharing them produces strength. We invite you to show yourself the strength that was inside all along.

In theory, all of this sounds easy, but starting takes courage. Courage could look like calling your best friend and asking them how they’re doing. It could look like sending snail mail to family and friends just to say “hey.” Courage could even look like taking time to think about times where you have been thankful. This is not always linear and you will feel different each day, but small steps of simplicity can lead to boldness and clarity.

This week, we challenge you to share your story with others, empathize, listen, actually listen, and see how those moments can change how you value the closest people in your life.

Here are a few ways you can start sharing, take them as you need. We hope we can cultivate a culture of sharing and listening to one another.

  1. Start writing down your thoughts and feelings, it’s okay that it feels weird, your thoughts matter.

  2. Share with someone close with you (a friend, parent, roommate, pet… anyone)

  3. Blog about how you feel, start keeping a journal, or share anonymously here.

Just know that, no matter how you are feeling, you are welcome to feel, you are welcome to think, and you are welcome to share. You are heard, you are not alone, your words have meaning. If you are interested in taking the next step and sharing with different community members, we would love to have you participate in upcoming storyteller events. If you are not ready, that’s okay, you’ll get there one step at a time.