Vulnerability and Connection Forged through Stories


What does it mean to be truly vulnerable? What does it look like when we tear down our walls? Do we really know what it feels like to be emotionally naked in front of our loved ones, strangers, and people far between? For most of us, we know what it feels like the moments before vulnerability strikes, stomach sinking, thoughts bouncing like a reckless pinball, nerves amplified by overwhelming thoughts of rejection — yeah, that feeling.

But even in those moments, why do we value vulnerability?

In this social media saturated world, we are surrounded by “filters.” Being vulnerable strips filters off and allows honest thoughts and emotions to shine through. When others exhibit vulnerability, we applaud in reverence, but when we are asked to do the same, we build walls with blocks like Tetris or Jenga. But much like Tetris or Jenga, those walls never last, they are meant to come down bit by bit or topple over completely. Vulnerability is a fully human endeavor that is brimmed with purpose, humility, and confidence found in one’s experience.

In vulnerability, there is strength, uniqueness, and solidarity. When people are unabashedly able to share their human parts a connection is formed, a breath is taken, and borders we used to separate slowly dissolve into nothingness. We have seen this firsthand with people sharing the deepest parts of their lives in between the covers of books. We have seen responses to vulnerability through postcards sent, and we have seen the power of giving space and opportunity for someone to share the most human and personal parts of themselves. It is a cathartic and self-healing exercise, to share when ready — A stage where you can whisper, scream, laugh, and cry. A stage where you can heal.

Applaud vulnerability and courage all day, give it value, time and space. You too are able to share yourself with others, and with every story shared, we each become a little more… human.